Steal Like an Artist

Steal Like an Artist

Steal Like an Artist

For this assignment, you are going to steal. Steal! Not copy.

Step 1:
Find 5 websites of businesses that are outside your realm. So if you are a coach who works with sensitive women, you are NOT allowed to look at the website of your peers. Look for a website that makes you happy, that gives you positive, joyful vibes.

Here are some examples of websites I like for different reasons:

Step 2:

Look at the sites and fill in the PDF (this is my example) look for commonalities. Is it joy that calls out to you? Write down joy. Do you like the boldness of 3 websites? Bold is def something important to you. Also look for certain colors, shapes, visuals and ‘feelings’ that speak out to you.

Step 3:
get your Brand Queen portrait. What colors stay out? Is there a lot of red? Gold? Do you see a color you never use but that keeps popping up?  Write the colors in your PDF.