1. Watch the video for some inspiration.
2. Grab your workbook or a piece of paper.
3. Take a couple of minutes to think about the most outrageous material
– that is not a pen, pencil, paint or any of the regular art stuff – you can use to make a circle on paper.
Think fast. Use at least 2 or 3 different materials. Decide and go.
Don’t overthink it. Do it Nike style Just do it!
4. Make a photo and share it in the group or on your own timeline.
5. You can either tell what your material is. Or ask your friends to take an educated guess.
Highly recommended to do with your family.
Why are you doing this?
The most important part of this lesson is reflecting on the fact that everything can be art and that trying to make things that are perfect are usually pretty boring.
The fun of this lesson is in the process. Check in how you feel when you make your circle.
The result is of no importance whatsoever.
Superheroes can make art with everything. They don’t need to go to the craft store and buy ready made supplies or coloring books. That doesn’t mean you can’t do that. I personally prefer artists supply stores over fashion stores.
But I want you to see your every day food, make-up or a stack of books as something completely different. I want you to recognize unintended art in every aspect of your life. So, get yourself oil, mud, dirt, make – up, cleaning material, material that sticks or not, plants, food, fire, air, drinks, trash, flowers, sand. lego, sugar, herbs, hair … and make that circle.
Seeing unintended art, the possibilities in everything will give you an advantage in business in life. It makes you resourceful. Remember that time when your parents, schoolteacher or friends said: “Look at …. (fill in the name) She is always sooooo creative.” And you suddenly felt very awkward and clumsy. Remember?
Well this is your chance to show you can make a circle with non-artsy material. Show yourself your resourcefulness is boundless. Boom! Get that parents, teacher and friends.
Don’t wait for permission. Make that circle. If you’re that women who always asks others: “What do you think? Is that okay or not?” then this is an excellent exercise for you. Because deep down you KNOW what is okay or not.
Do you feel the perfectionist hairs in your neck raising?
Make it ugly. Come on be a dare devil. Make a mess. Get the ketchup and squish a circle. See how that feels. And than make another and another…
Want to skip this? How very typically procrastinator of you.
Do it now! No, not tomorrow. NOW. Come on…. now! Set your alarm on 5 minutes and do it before the alarm goes off.
Feel you have to take time, you are not ready for this?
Get your Creative Superhero and tell her or him what’s going on. Your Superhero will tell you this: do – it – now!