Lesson 6 Open The Door For Your Genuine Creative Super Hero

1. Watch the video.
2. Go to the downloads (at the bottom of the page), download your hero, villain and the sounds (or all if you like)
3. Do some woooosh swoosh with a pair of scissors.
No printer, no time, or want to do it your way? Make your own Superhero.
No inspiration? Get a sock, wrap it around your hand …et voila…Superhero!
4. Give the Superhero a name.
5. Make a selfie with your Superhero.
6. Post it in the Facebook group or on your own timeline.
7. Spend some time with your Superhero.
8. Finish the short story in your workbook.
8. Write in your workbook what your Superhero will do to help you.


Swoooooosh Ahaaaaaaaaaaaa

It is lesson 6 and it’s time to open the door for your Superhero.

You have been training your superpowers. Your vision, sound, touch. You can smell all good things from miles afar!

After your training, it’s time for a whole new League of Superheroes to enter your life and check you out.

This is the link that takes you to the Superheroes and the Villains. Download them, find a Villain and a Superhero that fits you. Don’t forget to ask yourself: “WHY do I choose this Superhero?” 

Remember to look beyond appearances. Maybe the Superhero is a Villain or Vice Versa. It’s your story and your feelings.  Remember there is always light and always shadow. Ask your Superhero about it.

7. Finish this short story in your workbook:

On a (cold/warm/ beautiful/grey/scare/awful/great…..etc. ) morning I opened my (front door /car door / letterbox / … etc.).

All of a sudden in front of me there stood a (fierce / scary / lovely / … etc. ) creature.

Don’t be afraid“, spoke the creature. I am …  (the name you give your Superhero) and I am here to …. you with ….

You can make it very personal and let your Superhero help you with your business, your life, love, your projects or goals.

Okay go wild, change the story, add words. Surprise yourself. I know you can do it.

Flash….. Swoosh

“You are more than you think you are. There are dimensions of your being and a potential for realization and consciousness that are not included in your concept of yourself. Your life is much deeper and broader than you conceive it to be here. What you are living is but a fractional inkling of what is really within you, what gives you life, breathe, and depth.”

– Joseph Campbell