1. Watch the video for inspiration
2. Take on the Superhero stance. For real or in your minds eye. You can do this while sitting or lying down with your eyes closed or get up and actually do it.
Raise that right arm, lift your chin, jump, take off and go.
3. Enjoy the ride (if it doesn’t work no worries, see it as a nice power nap)
4. Write down 10 things that come up (words/ideas) in your workbook.
By the way. Whenever you’ve got tunnel vision, or feel you need some fresh air in your head, you can do this little exercise. Instant freshness.
Fancy flying around?
Because you can, you know? Your Superhero friend will take you anywhere.
Today she will take you high up in the sky. Just grab her hand and see your life and our beautiful planet from the outside.
Your Superhero will help you to look at your life and yourself from a distance.
Fly over your house, peek inside. Fly over your garden, balcony, use your Superheroes X-Ray vision to look trough the walls. Peek inside your website, your diary, your friends houses, your office, see your happiness, your worries, your fears, your tears, smiles. Look. Can you see yourself working? Do you see that success? Give yourself a high five.
Enlarge your view. Make it bigger and bigger until you can see the entire planet.
TIP: if you find this difficult, find a quiet spot (your bedroom for instance) close your eyes, take the Superman pose and…woooosh of you go. You can fly around in your minds eye.
When you’re enjoying the flying around you notice 10 things that feel important. Write them down in your Workbook. These are little insights that will help you on your Creative Freedom Road.