Lesson 1 Acknowledge

Give yourself permission to be creative

  1. Read to the text and Reflect.
  2. Write down ” I AM CREATIVE” with your name in your workbook.
  3. Make a selfie with your sign and post in in the Facebook group or on your own time line.


The Importance of saying I AM
In this first lesson you acknowledge the fact that you are indeed CREATIVE!

Remember the story of Moses and the Burning Bush in the Sinai dessert? This is not about religion. This is about ‘Something Bigger than Ourselves’.  Awareness, Great Spirit, the Universe, Life Force, the All Compassing Mind or a Creator.

Let’s go back to Moses in the Egyptian desert. The story goes that Moses met God in the desert in the form of a burning bush.

And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”(Exodus 3:14)

This voice named itself I AM. It didn’t say: “Hello Moses, look at the burning bush. This is the Lord speaking, I am God, the Boss of you.”

The voice told Moses to take his people out of Egypt and to tell them: „I AM hath sent me unto you”.

Again, I know little about religion but this is sheer beauty. Because it means that every time we say I AM we speak the name of the Great Spirit (or God, Life Force… etc).

That also means that when we say I AM NOT Creative we say: the Universe is not Creative. And that’s just plain silly don’t you think? The universe is the universe.

Every time we say I AM with something negative attached to it we tell our subconscious we ARE worthless and undeserving. We express and underline a relentless lack of insight into our own unlimited capacities. But when we say I AM CREATIVE (or I AM Peace, I AM Wealth, I AM LOVE) we unite ourselves with the entire universe. When we say I am creative we acknowledge we are enough.

Do you recognize that feeling – it happens when you look at the stars or gaze over the ocean -, when all of a sudden you experience the mind-blowing notion we are all connected. We are all made of star dust. We all come from the same source.

When we say I AM and attach something to it that is deserving, we elevate our spirit, we tap into that oneness. We surrender and at the same time are united with all the possibilities out there.

It’s very easy to demand change. To try and force our way into some sort of transformation. Like an angry 2-year-old toddler in the midst of a busy supermarket. Somewhere between the chocolate and the sprinkled cookies. “I want those cookies and I want it now.” Yeah, Will Power baby!  Let’s Force those doors to Change open.

But before we can accomplish change we have to transform our mind. Inner change comes before outer change. We have to lean into our fear, we have to dare to let go. We all need to have at least some sort of faith, or a lot of faith, that what we know now is limited. We have to take care of ourselves before we bring real change into the world. Be quiet and you can hear the whispers. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the next 30 minutes. I mean I know I have to finish this lesson. But I don’t know what words will appear. Maybe some muse will whisper a new idea and I will change everything on this page.

You and I want to bring change. However big or small you want that to be, you’ve got to feed your soul. And saying I AM with something wonderful attached to it will immediately nourish you.

Say it out loud:

I AM creative.

Really how can something that easy be so powerful? Give it a try. Shift your mind. I know you can do it.

Get your workbook and write it down.

At the end of the workbook, you find an entire I AM THAT I AM section. Read that – out loud – as often as you can. Reflect on it and note what words make you flinch. Those are your challenging words. Acknowledge those words by repeating them as often as possible.