Make your clients curious | Lesson 1


Find 10 objects 

1. Find 10 or more objects that are deeply meaningful to you but not necessarily to other people and create a tableau with it.

2. Make it beautiful (for yourself – or for your cat or dog 🙂

3.  Photograph your tableau and share it with friends.

4. This is IMPORTANT there’s no ugly, no imperfect, it’s NEVER not good enough.
Don’t ever start with an apology. Be proud of what’s in front of you. It’s an expression of you!

5. Aks for feedback from a ‘feeling into it‘ perspective. This is an exercise in becoming conscious of how we make others feel – even when we are not aware of it

Tell each other: “When I look at your tableau I feel….” That way you help each other become aware of that Unique Presence (that you think is nothing-out-of-the-ordinary but is always unique).

There’s a unique kind of energy in those objects and in the photograph, try to ‘feel‘ into it.  Use your curiosity, be open and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

When 2 (or more) people have reacted to your tableau, tell them a little bit about your objects.

6. Why do you do this assignment?
Because this course is all about the realisation that your audience will react to HOW you make them feel.Your presence will attract your Soul Client. Showing up matters! And Once you Understand how this works, you can leverage your

Everything matters, your words, your images and your energy.

Are you ready? Go to the Facebook group to discuss your insights.



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