Board of Advisors

Are you Ready for a pre-assignment?

I want you to assemble your Board of Advisors.

I’m Sorry? My What?

Yes, your Personal Board of Advisors.

Here’s the thing, being an entrepreneur can be super lonely, there are so many decisions we have to take and having a group of people who want you to succeed is simply wonderful. We wonderfully weird women struggle often. We overthink, we love to hide behind our computers, right before we leave our house we come up with a valid reason to NOT leave our house. Or maybe that’s just me.

Anyway, we need support. Your Board of Advisors will give you support whenever you need it.

How can you do this?

1. STEP 1
Think about people you admire because they have achieved something that is important to you. Maybe they are alive, maybe not.

I chose my board of advisors because they can actually give me the advice I need in my business.

When I have a difficult conversation I always ask Queen Latifah to join me. I can do anything when she’s around. Pema Chodron talks to me when I think e-ve-ry-thing is difficult and Barack Obama looks at me and says something like: Yes, it’s hard, but you’re going to do it anyway.

In my case, my advisors are not as much about politics. I tap into their resilience, uniqueness, and perseverance. Apparently, that is what I need in my business and life at this moment.

But when you need spiritual guidance, muses or an inner rock star that actually will help you get on that stage, add them to your board.

2. STEP 2
Go to Pinterest and make a Board with your Advisors. Remember these are the advisors you need at this moment (feel free to let some of them go when you don’t need them anymore)

3. STEP 3
Think about the people on your board. Why do you need them? What do you need from them? What do they have or do, what you like to do as well? There are many lessons to learn from observing.

Here’s a little secret. This is about them as much as about you!

I hope you find the best advisors for your business!