Royal Branding Support


Want to be a meaningful force in your area of expertise? Do you want to influence people with your knowledge? Do you want to be known? Be on a stage? Or more the secret power behind grand projects? Do you want to brighten lives with your services, your products, art and/or ideas? Want to bring forth change?

Do you want to be heard, seen, and felt?

You can ‘own’ your unique spot by becoming The Queen of that particular area. Rule it. Own it.  Be a brand. Own how people see you and make that as powerful as possible.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

– Marianne Williamson

We will do the Art Day together in three parts. Part ONE is Getting Together and getting connected with source. Part TWO and THREE  is checking in and sharing how you’re doing. I will be waiting for you!

  • Step 1.
    Print the I am the I and hang it somewhere where you can see it.


  • Step 2.
    Clear space on your table or the floor.
  • Step 3.
    Gather old and new magazines, copies of the workbook, boxes, old drawings, pieces of cloth or threads and a large piece of paper.
    Don’t have a large piece of paper? Sellotape a couple of smaller pieces of paper into a large one. Aim for A3 size or larger (29,7 X 42 cm or 11.69 X 16,53 inches).A Big Piece of Paper gives you the opportunity to Rule like a Queen.
  • Step 4.
    Get glue, scissors, and if you have, paint, pencils, markers anything you’ve got.
    Don’t got any fancy schmanzy art stuff? No worries your portrait will reveal itself just as it is supposed to be.
  • Step 5.
    Tell family, friends and children to leave you in peace: “This is work guys!.”.
  • Step 6:
    => When you are present at Art Day.

    Join the Zoom call for a short introduction and visualization and get to work (sorry: play)
    I will tell you what time the next “Get Together” starts.

    This is your portrait, your brand personality, so stay in your zone, stay in your sacred space. If you are thriving, loving the whole experience and feel you want to be at your own for the remainder of the day, Do That. Listen to your Inner Voice! This is your Queendom! If you like to hear what the others are doing, or you want my feedback Do That!
    In this whole process, there is No Right and No Wrong. Trust that what happens, happens for a reason.

    => Not being able to be Present at the Art Day.
    If you do this later in your own time, see if you can find a couple of uninterrupted hours to do this work. And follow the steps.

  • Step 7 Is your portrait ready (or on the way to readiness)?
    Make photographs and share what you have created.
    – Tell us a little about your process (what you experienced, obstacles, insights etc)
    – What it is (your personal symbols etc.)->

    Tell us How you want people to see you. What is your Intentional Differentiation?
    In what way are you different than other Queens?
    How Big, Small, Intense, Impactful do you want to be and are you prepared to step up.

  • Step 8 Be Prepared to change your portrait.
    In the next days, – after you made this portrait – things will show up. New insights, maybe you suddenly think: ‘Oops I did it again, I showed up as I think other people expect me to, instead of how I want to make other people feel and see me.’This is a process, trust that stuff comes up when it’s time for you to get it.
    Be prepared to change your Brand Portrait at any time.


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