Your Unique Strategy


By now you know that regular posting is the fastest way to the heart and mind of your clients. There are different ways to do it. And it’s important to learn about the different ways. My Posting from the Heart way doesn’t look at algorithms, but at the “Heart to Heart” way.  It’s important to educate yourself because Social Media changes all the time!

How to fill in the POSTS FROM THE HEART sheet

1. WHY are you posting? Make sure you got a very Clear Goal. Like a launch, a book, your upcoming offer, coaching, etc. Remember to ALWAYS be on the runway! Post with a purpose in mind.

2. WHO are you posting for? See your posts as a conversation with your soul client. Combine heartfelt posts, with videos or inspirational posts. Make sure at least 75 percent of your posts are yours. Don’t just share. Make everything yours. Same goes for you reacting to other peoples posts. Yes, you can ‘heart’ someone’s post. But you can also weigh in, reach out, support. And you never know who’s reading with you! Do not only send. Connect, ask questions.

3 WHEN. Keep the date of your launch, book, etc. in your mind. Work towards that date. The longer the runway (the path you walk towards your goal), the easier it is to sell. See it as a soft and beautiful dance with your soul clients.

4. WHAT are your Focal Points or values? Write the 5 (or more but not too many) focus points that form the base of all your posts.  For instance: Health, World Peace, dogs, Fun stories, Meditation. Make sure all your posts are connected to your heart, so you can send out truly connected messages.

People will start recognizing your posts when you regularly post on the same topics. It’s all about establishing your expert status.Play with it. Not getting a lot of reactions? It could be that you never react to other people’s posts. Start with that. Or you’re talking to the ‘wrong people’. Remember that algorithms change all the time and we can’t control what we don’t own.

5. What kind of posts can you send? Figure out what your Soul Clients love. And focus on that. For instance, my soul clients love humor, vulnerability posts, art and branding tips. But I also post when I’m upset about something. Or when I’m having an  ‘I love this person so much’ love-attack.

We need to love our own posts first.


1. Download the Posts from the Heart sheet 

The sheet is made for 7 days of posts. There will be a time when you don’t need this anymore. But for now, this is a great way of getting your posts on the way!