Your intention is everything. As soon as you know where you are heading to, you are opening your mind for greatness and unlimited possibilities.
What we do here is all mindset and having the guts to surrender to the universe (or God, Nature, Divinity, The Great Mother etc.)
Even though you might not know – right now – where you’re actually heading, setting an intention – and reading it out loud every day – will allow you to ease into your new reality. This requires you to let go of everything that keeps you earth-bound.
Limited beliefs and resistance are incredibly strong. It’s worse than sugar and heroine (or booze, or holding grudges, or playing small, or whatever your addiction is)
Fundamental to intention is the belief that ‘thought shapes reality’. That means that what you focus on in your mind, is ultimately reflected in your reality.
By focussing on your intention daily, you can see where you’re coming from and where you are heading to.
It’s like you agree on a divine pact with the universe. Do you want that? This is how we do it.
Fill out your I’M SO HAPPY …. sheet in the Worksheets PDF. Write your words as if it has already happened. Write in the present tense and be very specific. “I’m so happy and grateful for all the 100 new clients in my program. It feels so incredibly good to serve them. I love showing up, my email list has grown to 1,000 people and I love sending them emails. ….etc”
Sign it, and add a date. Make sure you read it twice a day (preferably out loud).
- Add it as a message to your phone and let it pop-up twice.
- Write it on a postcard and send it to yourself.
- Ask someone else to read it to you and listen to it.
- Use it as a coaster for your water (laminate it) and put a glass of water on it. Drink the water in the morning.
- Do whatever it takes to feel the words