Your Zone of Genius


Somewhere in The Magical Land of This is Too Easy lies your Zone of Genius.

The State of Being where everything is so freaking easy you can’t understand ‘Other People’ don’t know how to do it.

You might have many Zones of Genius.
Mine, for instance, is coming up with assignments that work like magic. It’s so easy that I’m ashamed about it.

The reason why we don’t honor our Genius Zones is that we are hard-wired for struggle. We rather fight for it than give ourselves permission for ease.

There are two ways to do this assignment.

  1. Dive right in and write in your Workbook 2 whatever is in your Zone of Genius, Excellence or Competence or Incompetence…
  2. OR (and you most likely will choose this option) go to the Red Thread assignment AND/OR to the Creative Timeline first, and look for those Stinking Easy things.
  3. Find this hard? Don’t worry. Maybe you drifted away from your Zone of Genius because you are addicted to working really hard (me and you both!!) Get your journal or go for a walk and invite divine spirit to come and play with you. Remember all the times that you were in Flow. Where everything simply unfolded itself like a flower in spring. We’re looking for EASE!

Once you’ve found it, declare your Your Zone of Genius in your Facebook group! Ask your study buddy to work with you on this one!


  • Once you’ve filled out the list with your Zone of Genius, Excellence or Competence or Incompetence, get your implementation sheet and try to find support for everything that is in your Zone of Incompetence. And write at least ONE action that you will commit to in the NEXT WEEK where you will share something from your Zone of Genius with your audience.For instance: if crunching numbers is in your Zone of Genius, write a post about how much you love this and how happy your clients are that you support them with something that is hard for that.