The Red Thread assignment will help you to see and understand the beauty and depth of your experience and knowledge. As bright multi-passionates, we tend to forget all that we know and have learned. The Red Thread will help you find long lost loves.
The purpose of this assignment is that you Marie Kondo your fast experience and cherish what brings you joy. This is not an exact science, just have fun with it!
For this assignment, you need 4 different colored papers or 4 different color pens and a pair of scissors and 4 cups.
- On paper 1: PLAY
Write all the things you LOVE to do until you were 10/12 years old, the games you played, the books you read - On Paper 2: EVERYTHING YOU LEARNED 6/12 – 18
All the things you remember being taught from age 12 – 18 Everything you LOVED to learn (and will treasure forever) it can be that one lesson. - On Paper 3: EVERYTHING YOU LEARNED 18 – now
All the things you CHOOSE to learn (at university or college) till today (all the courses, all your education, the small programs, the yoga classes …everything - On paper 4: CAREER WISE
Everything you did careerwise. From the big jobs to the small ‘one week jobs’ you did while being in college. Either paid, or voluntary jobs. - Get your scissors and cut all the papers and put them in their own cup.
- Find the 5 values you feel aligned with (at this moment. Don’t worry, nothing last forever. Follow your heart.) and write those values at the top of the page
- Clear the table (you need a LOT of space and get your cups
- Put all the pieces of paper on the table (in their own space) and start looking for Red Treads. (Go into the “why did I want to do that?’ ‘What did I expect?’ )
- Try to find at least 3/5 Red Threads
- Look at your 5 Values. Do the Red Threads fit your values? For instance.
If you find a Red Thread that goes: Playing with dolls – Acting – Designing unique pieces – working in a special fashion boutique (and your value is) Money: This could mean that you’ve got a deep love for unique fashion and most likely can make money with it. Either because you can make it part of your brand or as a part of your business.
Go through the assignment again and look if you can find elements of your Zone of Genius in there. And where in your career you might have focusses more on what’s hard (Zone of Competence and Incompetence) on on making it easy for yourself!