Your Creative Timeline


The Creative Timeline will help you to make sense of your fast knowledge, influences and experience AND the emotions that are tied to those moments. It’s a Magical revealer.

When can you do this assignment? If you find the Red Thread too complicated, skip that first and do the Creative Timeline instead.


* How old are you? 28? 62? 49? 79 years?

* Do you remember everything you did, your victories, your challenges, the sadness, losses, the weeks you smoked yourself through the days because your relationship has ended (or your own version of the same story).

* Do you remember that one amazing breathtaking moment when you connected with a friend, nature, art or silence?

* Do you remember the moments you want to forget because when you think about it shame washes over you?

* Do you remember the fight you had with that dear friend, and what you did afterward?

All these insights, recollections, moments, events, challenges, all your choices, the things that just seemed to happen, have brought you where you are right now at this very moment.

The Creative Timeline will help you to re-trace your recollections and find the moments in your life that are ‘responsible’ for your unique creativity. And your uniqueness.

Being wonderfully wise and weird means you most likely forgot about many things that are possibly very important to you. Especially right now!


  1. Start with the big events, the ones that you know have influenced your life, in the little boxes (don’t worry you can make a right big mess of it) then add the smaller things to it.
    Take your time, new recollections will come up while you’re on it.
  2. The last page is a part of my personal timeline. Just to give you an idea of how it works.
    Seeing my past in front of me, brought me instantly back to the eighties. I could almost feel myself dancing. It also brought back the sadness and ‘so-called stupid actions’!
  3. Remember this is just for you! Jot down any thoughts, questions, feelings that come up while filling in your timeline.
  4. It’s your life, your feelings, insights, and opinions. The Creative Timeline is your blank canvas. It helps you to remember – and gain insight – in your unique pool of knowledge, emotions adventures, work, and events.


  1. Download the PDF
  2. Take your time (but don’t let it stop you from moving on).
  3. Share your biggest insights (and we love to see your pictures) in the Facebook group.
  4. You might want to do the Red Thread first. Start with the assignment that calls out to you and finish that one first.
  5. It’s very likely that some deep thought and insights come up. Take time to process it!!!
  6. Keep in mind why you’re doing this! You’re discovering how amazing you are and you’re deepening your self-love and self-acceptance.